What are the church holidays in Ukraine in October according to the new calendar: a complete list and dates

The church calendar of October 2024 will begin with the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God. The dates of most religious holidays have changed after the reform of the OCU, as have the related public holidays. Several such days fall in the next month.

When is the Intercession according to the new calendar

The Great Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos received a new date after the transition to the New Julian church calendar – 1 October.

According to the old style, the Intercession fell on the 14th, but from 2023 the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church honor the Mother of God on the first day of the month.

What are the church holidays in Ukraine in October according to the new calendar: a complete list and dates

The holiday commemorates a miracle that happened in Byzantium in the 10th century. According to legend, the appearance of the Mother of God saved Constantinople from being captured by the Saracens. The city was surrounded by enemies for a long time, and its inhabitants gathered in the Blacherna Temple.

On the night of October 1, the spirit of the Virgin Mary surrounded by angels appeared in this church. The Mother of God knelt down with the people and prayed, and then removed the covering from her head and spread it over all who were in the temple. This cover saved all the inhabitants of Constantinople, because in the morning it became known that the enemies had withdrawn from the city walls.

The date of Dmitriev Memorial Saturday has changed

In addition to the Cover, among the important of the religious dates of October 2024 – Dmitriv Father's Saturday.

This day does not have a fixed date and is celebrated on the Saturday before the day of commemoration of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica.

After the transition to the new calendar, the Day of St. Demetrius was shifted from November 8 to October 26, therefore Father's Saturday 2024 falls on 19 October.

What are the church holidays in Ukraine in October according to the new calendar: a complete list and dates

On this day, graves of deceased loved ones are visited, memorial services are held in churches. Dimitrii Thessalonica is considered the patron saint of soldiers, so on Father's Day you can remember not only relatives, but also fallen defenders of Ukraine.

Holiday in October 2024: full list

According to the rules of the New Julian calendar, the dates of all “non-transitional” holidays were shifted 13 days earlier.

So, in October 2024, believers will celebrate:

October 1– Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

October 2 – hieromartyr Cyprian, martyr Iustina and martyr Theoktis.

October 3 – hieromartyrs Dionysius Areopagite, bishop of Athens, Rusticus the presbyter and Eleuferius the deacon, Saint Dionysius, the recluse of Kiev-Pechersk, in the Far Caves.

October 4– Hieromartyr Hierofeus, Bishop of Athens, Saints Helladius and Onesimus, recluses of Kiev-Pechers, in the Near Caves, Venerable Ammon, recluse of Kyiv-Pechers, in the Far Caves.

October 5 – Saint Kharytina, Princess of Lithuania, Saint Damian, presbyter, healer, Jeremiah and Matthew of Kiev-Pechersk.

October 6 – Apostle Thomas, Holy Martyr Nicephorus, Exarch, Patriarch of Constantinople in Ukraine.

October 7 – Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus, Saint Sergius the Pious of Kiev-Pechersk, in the Near Caves.

October 8 – Saint Pelagia.

October 9 – Apostle Jacob Alfeev.

October 10 – Martyrs Eulampius and Eulampia, Saint Amphilochius, Bishop Volodymyr-Volynsky, Cathedral of Volyn Saints.

October 11 – Apostle of the 70th Philip , Theophanes the Confessor, Bishop of Nicaea, Venerable Theophanes.

October 12 – Martyrs of Prova, Tarach and Andronikos of Anazarv.

October 13 – the holy fathers of the VII Ecumenical Council, Venerable Benjamin, the recluse of Kyiv-Pechersk, in the Far Caves.

October 14– Great Martyr Paraskeva of Serbia, Reverend Mykola Svyatoshi, Prince of Chernihiv, Kiev-Pechersk Miracle Worker, in the Near Caves.

October 15 – Reverend Euthymius of Thessalonica, as well as Martyr Lucian, Presbyter of Antioch, the holy martyr Lucian of Kiev-Pechersk, in the Far Caves.

October 16 – the martyr Longinus the centurion, monk Longinus, the gatekeeper of Kyiv-Pechersk, in the Far Caves.

October 17– the prophet Hosea, the day of Cosmas and Damian, the silverless martyrs of Arabia, the venerable martyr Andrew of Crete.

October 18 – the apostle and evangelist Luke.

19 October – the prophet Joel, the martyr Uar and with him seven Christian teachers, Dimitriev Father Saturday.

October 20 – the great martyr Artemios of Antioch.

October 21 – Saints Hilarion the Great and the transfer of the relics of Saint Hilarion, Bishop of Meghlyna, Venerable Hilarion, Schemnik of Kyiv-Pechersk, in the Far Caves.

October 22 – Equal-to-the-Apostles Averkios, Bishop of Hierapolis, miracle worker, seven Ephesian youths, Saint Raphael (Zaborovsky), Metropolitan of Kyiv, Galicia and All Russia, Vyshgorod Icon of the Mother of God.

October 23 – Apostle Jacob, brother of the Lord.

October 24 – Martyr Arefa and with him 4,299 martyrs, monks Arefa, Sisoy and Theophilos, recluses of Kyiv-Pechersk, in the Near caves, icons of the Mother of God “Joy to all who mourn”.

October 25– Martyrs Markian and Martyrius, Venerable Martyrius, deacon and Martyrius, recluse, Kyiv-Pechersky, in the Far Caves.

October 26 – Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, Reverend Theophilus of Kyiv-Pechersky, Bishop of Novgorod, in the Far Caves.

October 27 – Saint Nestor the Chronicler of Kyiv-Pechersk, in the Near Caves.

October 28 >- Great Martyrs Paraskeva of Iconia, Reverend Iov, Igumen of Pochaiv, Saint Dimitry, Metropolitan of Rostov, Reverend Nestor, non-biblical, of Kiev-Pechersk, in the Far Caves, Reverend Theophilus of Kyiv, a fool for Christ's sake.

October 29 – Saint Martyr Anastasia of Rome.

October 30 – Hieromartyr Zinovius, Bishop of Aegean, and his sister Zinovia.

October 31< /b> – Saints Spyridon and Nicodemus of Kiev-Pechersk, in the Near Caves, Peter (Kalnyshevsky) the Great Sufferer.

What church holidays in October are related to state holidays

Long ago, the Feast of the Intercession had a special significance for Ukrainians. The defenders of the Ukrainian land – the Zaporizhia Cossacks – considered the Most Holy Mother of God to be their patroness. That is why the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks was started on Pokrov. Since 2014, the religious holiday also coincides with the Day of Defenders of Ukraine.

After the calendar reform of the OCU, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy approved new dates of state holidays related to church holidays by his decree. In particular, in October:

  • with the change in the date of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God, the Day of Defenders and Defenders was shifted – from the 14th to October 1.
  • The Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language is celebrated on the day of honoring Nestor the Chronicler. The date of the holiday was moved from November 9 to October 27.

We would like to remind you that during the martial law, all additional days off for public holidays in Ukraine have been canceled. Therefore, the holiday of October 1, 2024 on the occasion of the Day of Defenders will be a working day.

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Author: alex

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