What are the onion husk in the garden

Every gardener wants to grow a good crop of fruits, vegetables and juicy berries. However, to obtain a rich harvest, it is not enough to plant in the garden and in the garden seedlings of fruit crops, it is also necessary to care for plants, to protect them from pests. Specialized store for complex fertilizers and preparations to protect plants from pests and fungal diseases.

You just need to look around, because all the necessary components for the preparation of quality fertilizer can be at hand. From onions can be prepared with a healing infusion, rich in carotene, mineral salts, vitamins, volatiles and other nutrients.

Plants are sure to like such natural nutrition, and pests will be kept a little further from those crops that have been treated with infusion or broth of onion husk.

What are the benefits On the growth of plants and the development of the root system.This natural fertilization contains such an important substance as boron, without which apple, strawberries and tomatoes cannot fully develop. Onions

I would like to pay attention to the fact that any means made from onions can not be stored because they quickly lose their useful qualities and deteriorate.

It is possible to use onion husks for almost all crops, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, berry shrubs, strawberries, fruit trees and flowers. root nutrition, but also for spraying tomatoes and cucumbers.

Pour onions (30 g) into a bucket and fill with warm boiled water (5 l), mix thoroughly and cover with a lid, then remove for 5 days in a dark place.

Once the infusion is ready, it must or on a cloudy day.Pour the ashes (60 g) into the fit and add the onion husk (120 g). Then these components should be poured with boiling water (1.2 l) and mix thoroughly. To use as nutrition for seedlings and adult plants. They will receive all the substances necessary for growth and development, but also reliable protection against diseases and parasites. As soon as the fertilizer is infused, it should be drained. Can be used for root irrigation and spraying.

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Author: alex

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