What are the signs to recognize iodine deficiency in the body?
Iodine deficiency is the first stage of hypothyroidism. Deficiency can be manifested by a tendency to gain weight, swelling, fatigue and lack of energy.
The nutritionist listed the most common signs of iodine deficiency.
The difficulty of diagnosis is that the analysis will show the deficiency only in the most neglected stage . The thyroid gland, which needs iodine as air, will also hold on to the last.
Therefore, in this case, we focus not so much on the test results, but on the symptoms.
“Iodine deficiency manifests itself in high cholesterol , arterial hypertension, short stature, skeletal deformities (in children), reduced fertility, mental disorders, memory impairment, low speed of mental processes, menstrual cycle disorders,” says the expert.
There is a certain connection. and between lack of iodine in the body and difficulties with conception. It is also not easy to bear and give birth to a healthy child with iodine deficiency.
As for the popular test with an iodine grid on the body, it does not give objective results regarding iodine deficiency in the body. The result is affected by the quality of the skin, the activity of sweating and other factors.
But if the drawn iodine stain completely disappears within 24 hours, it is highly probable that there is an iodine deficiency.
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