What betrays self-doubt: 5 noticeable mistakes in behavior
Interlocutors can detect tension and insecurity by incorrect compliments, a glancing glance and strange pranks due to awkward silence during the conversation.
Gestures and expressions of a person often reveal hidden information about his self-esteem. Therefore, so that no one can doubt your belief in yourself, psychologists recommend fighting with five noticeable mistakes in behavior.
Make werewolf compliments
Saying to a colleague: “You are so beautiful in this dress! And I have no taste at all”, – you use self-criticism against the background of the merits of another person. Many people can see in this kind of praise a lack of self-confidence and not accept the compliment.
What to do: to give compliments without diminishing one's importance. Cultivate self-love.
Do not pause before answering a question or request
An insecure person often immediately rushes to answer questions and agree to any request without having time to think. Such behavior characterizes people who do not know how to say “no”. They avoid pauses, fearing to offend the interlocutor or seem stupid, who do not know a certain topic.
What to do: in order to give the impression of a thoughtful person, psychologists advise learning to take breaks. Be sure to think carefully about the request to give an answer that is comfortable for you.
Filling the awkwardness during silence with inappropriate phrases and strange behavior
When the silence in the conversation is prolonged, some people begin to feel discomfort. An insecure person begins to feel that it is necessary to do or say something urgently. And then she utters phrases without much meaning, coughs loudly or sighs.
What to do: try to relax, stay calm and approach the situation with humor.
Maintain a tense facial expression at all times
Tense facial expression and preoccupation, indicates that a person is in a delicate situation, he is not confident in himself. Low self-esteem is indicated by frequent blinking, clenched jaws, lip biting, inarticulate sounds, coughing, pursed lips, experts note.
What to do: keep a relaxed, easy smile on your face. This is a sign that a person is satisfied with himself and his life.
Sliding the gaze around the space
Sometimes during a conversation, the gaze wanders around the space, for no reason clinging At the same time, a detached view repels others and causes doubts. This often indicates the interlocutor's self-doubt.
What to do: experts advise those who are afraid to look their interlocutor directly in the eyes to focus their gaze on the point between the eyebrows.
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