What can cause cancer: eating foods with nitrites increases the risk by 60%

Scientists believe that regular consumption of foods containing nitrites is associated with a 60% increased risk of cancer.

New data obtained by French researchers confirm that our diet has a serious effect on susceptibility to cancer. Experts believe that abstaining from certain foods may be necessary to prevent some types of cancer.

A French study involving more than 100,000 people has shown that regular consumption of foods with preservatives can cause cancer. In particular, among people who often consume foods with nitrates, the risk of developing breast cancer was almost 25% higher. In turn, the risk of prostate cancer increased by almost 60% among men who regularly ate foods containing nitrites.

Nitrates or nitrites are also found in nature, but scientists emphasize that the ability to influence cancer susceptibility was found only in synthetic substances, preservatives. According to scientists, such additives are used in the production of certain products (for example, such as bacon, cheese, cured meat, fish). Such food contains nitrite salts, and when it is subjected to various types of processing during the manufacturing process, chemical compounds appear in it that increase the risk of cancer.

“Preservatives can lead to the formation of N-nitro compounds, which have a potential carcinogenic effect on humans,” – the scientists published their conclusion on the Univadis health platform.

We note that earlier on the part of the WHO there was already a cautionary tale about the ability of food preservatives such as nitrites to increase the risk of cancer. It was stated that potentially carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds can be found in food products, in the manufacture of which nitrite salts were used for preservation or coloring, or were subjected to smoking, gas treatment in the drying process.

Which products contain nitrites. The highest levels were found in ready-to-eat smoked bacon, cured meats, and dried shrimp. Also, various meat, fish and cheese products contain quite a lot of nitrites – these components are used mainly for their coloring, antimicrobial and flavoring effects. In addition, sources of nitrites include most dried and pickled products, soy sauces.

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Author: alex

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