What can giving up sweets for a month: the endocrinologist explains

According to an endocrinologist, giving up sweets for a month can contribute to a number of positive changes in the state of the body. all systems of the body – from the gastrointestinal tract to the hormonal background”.

The doctor clarified that such a refusal will have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, and thanks to the improvement of metabolism, fat is used more efficiently, extra kilograms are reduced.

“You can lose up to four kilograms of weight.”

Also, the doctor said, a “side effect” of giving up sweets can be a healthier sleep and a reduction in insomnia episodes. Another plus is the improvement of the characteristics of the skin condition: it becomes more elastic, elastic, youthful on the outside.

The doctor suggested that indulging in sweets destroys collagen – a protein that provides the skin with a dense and even structure with fewer wrinkles.< /p>

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Author: alex

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