What can not be done with raspberries so as not to lose the harvest
If it is possible to collect a mug of harvest from several raspberry bushes, it means that the gardener made such mistakes that lead to such a low harvest.
Lack of light. It is not possible place a raspberry bush in a far corner of the garden, under a fence or apple trees, as raspberries will not bear fruit in a shaded area.
Low soil fertility. Few summer residents think about the need to apply top dressing under raspberry It would also be good to add 1 bucket of rotted manure and a liter jar of ash to the planting hole.
Pruning. It is very important not to thicken the raspberry so that every ovary and berry gets access to the sun. , and so that the bushes are ventilated. Excess shoots take away nutrition and shade the light.
Lack of watering. Raspberries love moisture very much. The norm is the amount of water per adult bush. And to keep moisture in the soil longer, the soil under the bush should be mulched.
Lack of nutrition. Raspberries should be fed at least three times a season. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, before flowering – complex or again manure and ash, and after harvesting – phosphorus-potassium.
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