What can you add to stewed cabbage to make it tastier?

Cooking stewed cabbage is a simple process, but some subtleties will make the dish tastier and more aromatic.

In order to achieve the desired result, it is worth introducing certain components into the composition.

What options deserve attention

Tomato paste

This product is often found in recipes, so you should not ignore it. Tomato paste is ideal for cabbage dishes, allowing you to achieve a more interesting and rich taste.

In addition, you only need to add a few spoons.

Sour cream

This food product allows you to achieve extraordinary softness and tenderness of taste, so it is also recommended to add it to the dish.

Sour cream is added about five minutes before the end of cooking the cabbage.


Not all housewives guess that breadcrumbs can be added when stewing cabbage. As it turned out, they help to achieve a denser and more uniform texture of the dish.

They are added 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking.

Bulgarian pepper

If you want the dish to turn out more aromatic and healthy, then you should pay attention to bell pepper. It is fried with vegetables before adding the cabbage.

Beans or lentils

These types of legumes are ideal for stewed cabbage. The dish will turn out more satisfying and tastier. Beans and lentils should be cooked separately until fully cooked and added to the main dish 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

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Author: alex

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