What causes pigment spots and how to get rid of them?
The nutritionist talked about the causes of age spots on the skin, and it is not only ultraviolet.
Many people mistakenly believe that the sun and ultraviolet radiation are responsible for the appearance of pigment spots on our skin. In fact, this is not true.
“The main reason for the sudden appearance of age spots on the face, hands, neck, shoulders and décolleté is our liver. And these spots are the liver's cry for help,” says the expert.
Liver malfunctions cause changes in the amount of melanin and its redistribution in the skin.
In fact, melanin is a pigment, that is, it has a color. By concentrating excessively in certain areas, it creates spots.
The sun does affect them. But not for their appearance, but for their darkening. That is, the spots could have been on the skin before, simply because of their lack of expressiveness, you could simply not notice them.
This means that if you notice the appearance or manifestation of spots on the skin (especially often happens after tanning), urgently go get your liver and gall bladder checked. Often spots are a signal that the work of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or endocrine system is disturbed.
If you only work on removing spots with cosmetic or even medicinal means, you are not immune to the fact that new ones will not appear in the future stains After all, in this situation, they are just a symptom.
Spots on the skin tell us that the liver is not coping with its detox functions and needs help.
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