What daily habits can lead to diabetes, doctors said
Diabetes is one of the most common diseases around the world, but many people do not even suspect that they have it. Experts told which factors and everyday habits increase the risk of developing this disease.
Drinks with fructose content
Consumption of foods and drinks (especially carbonated) with a high fructose content is the first thing to give up! The fact is that a large amount of fructose worsens insulin resistance and increases the level of sugar in the blood.
“Excess” sugar
Sugar is found in almost all popular products, from bread to sauces and juices. Therefore, experts recommend carefully reading the composition of foods and drinks, and if possible do not buy those that contain a large amount of sugar.
Lack of activity
Daily physical activity can help lower blood sugar levels and even prevent type 2 diabetes, doctors believe. In addition, exercise improves heart health. It is noted that any physical activity is important, including walking or running.
Constant stress
Stress has a huge impact on the whole body, and chronic stress over several months can lead to insulin resistance, which threatens to raise blood sugar levels. Experts recommend reducing stress levels through meditation, exercise, music or enjoyable activities.
Overweight in some cases causes insulin resistance and is often found in people with type 2 diabetes. The location of fat in the body also matters. Yes, excess belly fat is associated with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart and blood vessel diseases.
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