What days in 2025 are not suitable for a wedding: you will not be married
Remember the dates on which you may be denied a wedding.
The Priest of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, activist, rector of the Open Orthodox University of Saint Sophia-Wisdom, Georgy Kovalenko, told about when it is better to have a wedding in 2025.
When is it better to get married in 2025
According to Georgy Kovalenko, in Ukraine, church marriage does not have legal force, as in some countries, in particular in Europe. Wedding is a church sacrament. For believers, it is the highest level of marriage, when people make vows not only to each other and certify that they are a family, not only before society and the state, but also before God. At the same time, the church recognizes marriages concluded in the Civil Registry Office and considers such unions to be families.
In the Orthodox Church, traditionally, weddings are not performed during Great Lent and during several holidays – Beheading of John the Baptist (August 29) or Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14).
Let us recall that the fasts in 2025 will be on the following dates (according to the new style):
- Great Lent – from March 3 to April 19;
- Peter's Fast – from July 8 to 11;
- Assumption Fast – from August 1 to 14;
- Christmas Fast – from November 15 to December 24.
When choosing a day when you can get married, take these dates into account, because you may be denied a wedding. As the priest emphasizes, now, in general, each couple decides for themselves when they would like to get married. But if they are believers, they must adapt to the church calendar.
When you can't play a wedding in 2025 categorically
The church has never been categorical, and war makes its own adjustments to traditions. According to Heorhiy Kovalenko, even during fasting, priests sometimes, as an exception, marry couples if one or both of them are military, when in peacetime they would not do this.
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