What did the stars prepared: horoscope for March 2025
astrologer and author of YouTube channel Marina Skada (Marina Sokolova) .On March 2, Neptune, combined with the Neptune and Rising Monthly Knot in Pisces, and the sun in tension with Jupiter – a day of reflection, intuitive illumination, the completion of the old stages. Bright dreams, deep feelings, increased empathy are possible. However, in the external plan, in the social field of life, in the field of international relations, obstacles occur at every step. It is a time of impulsive solutions, straightforwardness and unreasonable disputes. Thoughts work fast but not always logical, possible mistakes due to hurry.
On March 5, Mercury in a harmonious aspect with Pluto is an aspect of deep thinking, insight and power of the word. It gives the ability to see the essence of things, to persuade, to find hidden opportunities. A good day for collective transformations through new views.
March 8, the sun in a harmonious aspect with Mars promotes professional activity, career construction, the emergence of new ambitions and aspirations. Perhaps the past reminds yourself, but it's a chance to solve old questions.
On March 12, Saturn, combined with the Sun in Pisces, and Retro-Vener in combination with Mercury in Aries. These aspects give a sense of responsibility, deep focus and awareness of the borders. Day of spiritual adulthood, introspection and awareness of debt to itself and the world. Clashes with reality will make an important decision or complete something significant. It is a day when karmic maturity, awareness of their true goals and rejection of illusions are manifested. A favorable time to build long-term strategies and conscious decisions.
On March 14, at 08:58 (GMT+2) a lunar eclipse in the Virgo will occur, and the sun forms a harmonious aspect with Uranus. Meetings with people who are related to unfinished emotions are possible. And also the return of old feelings, the desire to discuss past relationships. Rethinking of financial decisions and work duties, returning to old agreements. In the Aries and Pisces. During this period, there are misunderstandings in communication, especially in business negotiations, when sending documents and letters. Travels can be accompanied by delays and changes in the schedule. Problems with equipment and electronics, such as computers and phones failure, during retro miracuria-a common phenomenon.On March 20, at 11:02 (GMT+2) the Sun enters Aries, awakening inner fire and vital energy. This is the moment of spring equation – the beginning of the new astrological year in the corridor of eclipses on March 14 – 29. A special shade of this event is that Mercury and Venus retrograde, which means that many themes last year move with us to a new astrological cycle. There may be unexpected meetings with former partners or friends.
On March 23, at 03:08, a new Venus cycle begins in the Aries sign, which will last 1.5 years. And the sun in a harmonious aspect with Pluto. March 23 and 24 – energy for strong days, many of which are clarified, the processes develop faster and more harmonious. Past feelings come back, relationships stabilize.
On March 24, at 21:48, a new 4-month cycle of Mercury in Aries begins. Be prepared for change and unexpected events. Very important issues that have not been resolved for a long time come to the fore. Possible restrictions that require patience, but they will lead to growth in the second half of April. The new cycles of Venus and Mercury in the Aries sign light the fire of forgotten emotions, old preferences and unfinished conversations. The day when reality checks us for psychological stability, and the past is given sign. It is important not to flee from responsibility, to make conscious decisions and not to be impulsive. Check out external pressure-you will open new roads.
On March 27, at 10:40, Retro-Valera returns to a sign of fish, going on a journey depths of the subconscious. Beware of illusions on finance and relationships! Also, this day the negative karmic point – the black month (Lilith) at 02:31 for 9 months is included in Scorpio. Scorpions and Taurus begins a difficult karmic period.
March 29 at 12:47 (GMT+2) Solar eclipse in the sign of war, leadership and new ways – in Aries. It will set a tone for the next half a year, opening up new perspectives and hovering the old paths. Unexpected solutions to the previous 6 months are possible. This is a period of deep revelations. A good time for research and disclosure of secrets.
The most important transit of March – March 30 at 2:00 pm – Neptune inhibition in Aries will bring the climax on important issues and fresh innovations. People will become more ambitious and ready for changing their ideals and goals. Many are aware that it is time to let go of the past and take order in their lives. Neptune in Aries can enhance the desire for expansion and expand ideologies. Hidden processes, behind-the-scenes games, secrets become the property of the public. The darkening will open the karmic doors, retro-mimercury will teach to look deeper. The spring equinox will awaken the fire of Aries, giving the impulse to the renewal. This period can also stimulate the search for spiritual growth and personal development. src = “https://www.youtube.com/embed/rptrov8kiikiikikikik?feature=oeembed” Frameborder = “0” 0 “Alow =” Accelerometer; Autoplat; Clipboard-Write; Encrypted; Encrypted; Picture-in-Picture;
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