What diseases can develop with a lack of iodine?
The nutritionist told why it is important to maintain an adequate level of iodine in the body and what functions it performs.
Iodine is vital for our body. It helps us fight bacteria and viruses. Iodine is a very powerful antiseptic.
It kills almost any microorganisms: from fungi to viruses. Do you remember how in childhood we smeared broken knees with iodine, trying to disinfect them? of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland, participates in the synthesis of T3 and T4, in the regulation of energy exchange, body temperature,” says the expert.
Iodine also affects the rate of metabolism in our body. The strength of the immune response to external aggressive factors depends on it.
The element is involved in the regulation of proteins, fats, and also affects the water-electrolyte exchange.
Many neuropsychological reactions also depend on the level of iodine . This point is extremely important for pregnant women, as a lack of iodine can affect the formation of the nervous system and skeleton of the future child.
In addition, iodine is a strong antioxidant. Its effect can be compared with the effect of vitamin C.
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