What diseases of the spine affect life expectancy

Orthopedic doctors told about which diseases of the back and joints are the most dangerous and lead to loss of health.

According to them, one of the most dangerous diseases of the musculoskeletal system is ankylosing spondyloarthritis, or Bekhterev's disease.

The main feature of this disease is inflammation of the joints and gradual limitation of their mobility with the formation of ankyloses (bones joining each other). At the same time, ligaments ossify, and as a result, the spine completely loses its flexibility, turning into a solid bone.

The process takes over peripheral joints and internal organs – eyes, heart, kidneys. This disease affects the entire body: arteries are squeezed, pinched, blood flow is disrupted. A person gradually fades away, because the functions of almost all internal organs are disturbed.

Herniations of the intervertebral discs of the lower spine also have dangerous consequences. They lead to difficulty urinating or urinary incontinence, which can lead to dangerous kidney dysfunction.

Doctors emphasize that almost any chronic disease always increases the risk of stroke or heart attack. In addition, constant debilitating pain provokes chronic stress and can cause mental disorders.

The main culprit of back diseases is hypodynamia, that is, a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle.

There are many causes of pain. These can be neoplasms (tumors), osteomyelitis of the spine, lumbar disc herniation, lumbar stenosis and ankylosing spondylitis (damages of the intervertebral joints). The last three groups of diseases are united by one term – osteochondrosis.

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Author: alex

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