What do people often regret before they die?
Many people feel regret before death. They are overcome by a feeling of emptiness, a desire to return the past years and live them differently…
Is it only in the face of death that we can realize the value of life? Of course not. Such awareness can be achieved much earlier.
And we will not have to feel regret before death.
Feeling regret before death makes no sense
Before the coming death, such a feeling of regret makes no sense. But it is important to understand what in our lives can cause a feeling of a life lived incorrectly in the future.
It makes sense to make a rough list of such things, such landmarks. Remembering them, we will be able to “correct” our lives and avoid belated regrets in the future.
This list could be like this.
1. I did not live the life I wanted to live
People regret this very often. They realize that at one time they made the wrong decisions and as a result, life went “wrong”.
Listening closely to those around us, to all these: “look, this could be dangerous”, “don’t spend money on it”, “are you sure that something will come of this idea?”, we constantly feel insecure and often do not dare to do what we consider necessary and right.
How many people choose their life path, focusing primarily on the expectations of their parents? Very often this does not lead to anything good.
Usually we attach too much importance to what others think of us, and as a result we lose the opportunity to live the way we want, to realize our dreams.
2. I worked very hard
People often regret this at the end of their lives. They realize that they lived to work — instead of working to be able to live fully.
For many, work is the main thing in life, and family and friends remain “in the background.”
Over time, they begin to understand that they didn't even really see their children grow up, that their relationship with their husband (wife) has completely deteriorated, and that they have virtually no friends.
Personal relationships with other people are very important for everyone. That's why they need to be prioritized. Work is, of course, important, but relationships with loved ones are much more important.
3. I should have allowed myself to do “crazy” things more often
Often, at the end of life, people bitterly recall the unfulfilled, the plans and ideas that they did not dare or were afraid to implement.
For example, jump with a bungee. Or, maybe, with a parachute… Or pack a backpack and go travel around the world…
Unsatisfied desires often later cause feelings of regret and bitterness.
The “crazy” ideas we talk about are just stepping outside our comfort zone. Being in this zone is, of course, comfortable and safe, but at the same time, it limits us.
We only live once, so why not make our life rich and fulfilling?
4. We should not be shy about expressing our feelings
From childhood, we are taught to suppress our feelings. Not crying in front of people, not raising your voice, staying calm…
As a result, we cannot give vent to emotions even when necessary.
It is important to learn to express what we feel, to be aware of our feelings and, of course, to express them adequately.
Now that you know what people often regret before death, it is worth thinking about how to change your life.
If you do this, you will have fewer reasons for belated remorse later and at the end of your life your dominant feeling will be a sense of satisfaction.
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