What does the color of the tongue say about a person's health?
Doctors recommend checking the condition of the tongue in front of a mirror every day, as changes in its external appearance can be a harbinger of serious diseases of the body.
The tongue is optimally connected to the brain and body organs through nerve pathways. Therefore, if something is wrong with the body, it will be reflected on the tongue. Its color can tell a lot about a person's health, states Professor Dirk Eser, chief physician of the Department of Ear Medicine.
Normal color of the tongue. It is usually pale pink, has a slight plaque, a little rough.
Acid balance as the cause of color change. According to the scientist, one of the common factors affecting the change in the condition of the tongue, there is a violation of the production of bile by the liver, which also disturbs the acid balance of the body. In this case, a yellow or brown coating may appear on the tongue.
What other changes in the color of the tongue indicate.
Black. Blackening of the tongue is one of the markers of leukemia, blood cancer.
Yellow. If a bright yellow plaque is constantly present on the tongue, it is possible that the body is developing a disease of the liver and gall bladder.
Brown. This color of the tongue can indicate problems with the digestive tract, for example, gastritis.
Grey. A grayish shade indicates anemia.
Blue. Lung disease can sometimes be guessed by this color of the tongue.
White. A cold or a gastrointestinal disorder often manifests as a thick white coating on the tongue.
“Checking your tongue at home in front of a mirror every day is one of the most beneficial habits for health. It is best to do this after waking up, when the tongue has not yet changed its color from food or drinks. Its short-term visible coverage is usually not a cause for concern, but if you notice it for a long period, you should definitely discuss these changes with your doctor,” advised Professor Eser.
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