What drink helps to lower blood pressure: the conclusion of scientists
Regular consumption of black tea helps fight high blood pressure . This was announced by scientists from the University of Western Australia (University of Western Australia).
Researchers decided to study the effect of this simple drink on men and women with increased systolic blood pressure. The participants of the scientific work drank three cups of black tea or a caffeinated drink without flavonoids per day.
Indicators were evaluated at the time of admission, on the first day, as well as after three months and six months.
It turned out that compared to the second drink, tea had a greater effect on the stabilization of systolic and diastolic pressure. Despite the fact that during the day the changes in indicators were insignificant, at night they dropped by 10%.
A similar effect was noted on the very first day of the experiment – it persisted for six months, while it did not depend on the initial level of blood pressure. as well as the heart rate of the test subjects.
“The results of the study demonstrate that some component of black tea, in addition to caffeine, can affect the rate of change in blood pressure at night,” the scientists concluded.
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