What drink helps with headaches?
When a headache starts to appear, some people reach for a cup of coffee. The doctor explains whether this really makes sense and what the “ideal solution” is for him.
When your head hurts and throbs, you want to pull a blanket over your head. Or drink a cup of coffee. For many, this is a proven home remedy for headaches.
The doctor told whether the caffeine contained in it really helps with dizziness.
Can coffee help with headaches?
Coffee and the caffeine it contains are known to relieve tension headaches and migraines. Many headache pills also contain caffeine. What is better for a headache – taking pills or drinking a cup of coffee?
“It’s a matter of dosage. To relieve a headache, you need between 100 and 200 milligrams of caffeine. If you convert this to a cup of coffee, it’s between 30 and 60 milligrams. To meet your needs, you would have to drink between two and four cups. Therefore, the ideal solution is a combination of classic painkillers such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin and coffee,” says the general practitioner.
Be careful: taking painkillers too often, that is, more than 10 days a month, can lead to excessive headaches.
Can coffee cause headaches?
The caffeine in coffee can cause headaches under certain circumstances. For example, frequent consumption can cause caffeine addiction, which can lead to headaches if you stop drinking it again.
Another possibility is that high caffeine intake increases diuresis and leads to dehydration. Dehydration often causes headaches.
Other health benefits of coffee
“Coffee is a drink rich in chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and kahweol, biologically active compounds that help fight free radicals. This action may prevent premature aging, cancer, depression, and diabetes.”
Coffee contains a lot of caffeine, a compound that stimulates the central nervous system, helps fight depression and improves mood, as well as mental and physical well-being.
Preventing depression
Coffee contains a lot of polyphenols, which fight free radicals and reduce inflammation in the cells of the central nervous system. This can reduce anxiety and improve mood, preventing attacks of depression.
Coffee consumption is also associated with lifestyle and social habits.
“It can lead to increased contact with other people, which contributes to overall well-being.”
Helps with weight loss
Drinking coffee can help with weight loss because it can temporarily control hunger, which reduces the desire to eat.
“Coffee has thermogenic properties that increase energy and fat burning, which can contribute to weight loss. Consuming 300 mg of caffeine per day results in burning about 79 calories of energy.”
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