What error when pruning lavender can lead to its death
Lavender belongs to those plants that need to be pruned for the winter. The procedure is simple, but there is a nuance that can lead to death. Florists told how to properly prune lavender so that it can recover again in the spring.
How to do it correctly
In lavender, the structure of the bush is such that the young shoots are green on top, and the stems have wooden structure. It is the difference between the upper and lower part that should be paid attention to.
When pruning, only the green part of the bush should be cut. Lignified shoots should not be touched. If you cut them, the lavender will not grow back. The thing is that there are no buds for this recovery.
Pay attention to an important point. Regardless of how lavender was grown (by seed or cuttings), you can prune after planting in the second year. In the first year, the bush should not be stressed.
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