What every family should do before the cold weather: energy experts have published instructions

This is stated in the advice published on the “Kyivteploenergo” website. They were developed based on information collected by the relevant ministry. Yes, the first thing to do is to reduce heat loss in an apartment or house. 

“Swipe prevention of metal-plastic windows, seal windows and doors. Designate one room for heating in case of an emergency,” the recommendations say. 

The next step is to check the equipment. For this, it is worth contacting specialists who have the necessary knowledge, and in the case of gas equipment – licenses. 

“Call a specialist to check sockets, wiring and electrical appliances. If you have individual heating, spend maintenance of the boiler”, the advice says. 

A separate stage of preparation concerns batteries. “Move the furniture away from the batteries, collect the curtains, remove the decorative panels. Stick a heat-reflective screen (foil material) on the wall behind the batteries,” the materials state. 

In addition, it is worth preparing additional sources of heat. Check the condition of the underfloor heating, heaters, air conditioner. Carry out maintenance of the air conditioner and find out if it can heat and at what temperatures.

The last stage – take care with the neighbors about warming the entrance and the house. Monitor the preservation of heat in entrances, basements and attics. Pipelines must be insulated. All windows and doors should be tightly closed.

“Prepare a plan, agree with relatives, neighbors, friends on joint actions in case of an emergency. Unite to keep warm,” – noted in the department. 

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Author: alex

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