What fertilizers should be used to fertilize red and black currants in the fall?
In the fall, berry bushes need to be fertilized. Do not skip this stage of care. This will help the plant to make a supply of nutrients for the winter, and also survive it calmly.
Feeding for black currants
In the fall, black currant bushes are fertilized with manure at the rate of 0.5 buckets per 1 sq.m. You also need potassium salt at the rate of 4 tbsp. under each bush and superphosphate – 0.5 tbsp. under the bush.
Feeding for currants
Red currants in the fall have a slightly different feeding format. It needs 1 tbsp. per bush of potassium sulfate and 4 tbsp. superphosphate (per 1 bush). Please note that superphosphate is added once every 3-4 years.
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