What fish should not be eaten by pregnant and breastfeeding women?
Herring has a large number of health benefits and, moreover, does not accumulate heavy metals and mercury. However, not everyone can eat it without harm to their health.
The safest option for herring is considered fresh. Such fish is rich in nutrients, including protein, fat-soluble vitamins, zinc, iron, iodine, and essential fatty acids. But for some people, this fish will be dangerous.
Certain categories of people must definitely exclude herring from their diet. These are people who suffer from atherosclerosis, hypertension and other heart diseases; people who have had a heart attack and/or stroke; young children; pregnant and lactating women.
It is also known that herring can cause allergies. Those who are allergic to shrimp and other types of allergies should be especially careful. The most common signs of an allergy to herring are skin manifestations, swelling of the body and internal organs.
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