What flowers should not be put together in a vase?

Not all flowers are compatible with each other – this also applies to cut flowers. Florists usually warn about this when helping to make a bouquet. And if you bring several bouquets home, it is best to place them in different vases. If you put some flowers together, some of them or even all of them can wither very quickly.


The stems of freshly cut daffodils secrete mucus, which is detrimental to other flowers. As a result, they die very quickly. Alternatively, you can keep daffodils separately for at least a day, and then combine them with other flowers.

Hyacinths. The situation is similar here – they, like a number of other bulbous plants, secrete mucus that is poisonous to other flowers. Therefore, it is better to put a bouquet of them separately in a small vase.

Roses. They also do not like the neighborhood with other flowers (and many other flowers – with roses). Florists also do not recommend putting roses of different varieties and shades together in one vase, for example, dark and cream.

As a rule, the following flowers last longer in cut form if they are alone:

  • carnations;
  • yellow primroses;
  • orchids;
  • lilies of the valley;
  • violets.

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Author: alex

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