What foods are needed for bone health
Some nutrients play a big role in bone health . Therefore, it is important that there are enough foods rich in them in the diet.
Calcium is one of the main components of bones. It is also necessary for the functioning of cells, muscles, heart and nerves, experts of Harvard Medical School note. Good sources of dietary calcium are:
- dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt);
- nuts;
- seeds;
- beans;
- soy.
It is also present in some vegetables (for example, leafy greens, rhubarb, artichokes, zucchini), fruits and seafood.
Vitamin D
It is important for many body systems, especially for bones. In addition, vitamin D helps absorb calcium. Some of this vitamin can be obtained from food, but only some foods contain it. Among them are salmon and some mushrooms. “A 170-gram serving of salmon contains about 1,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D,” says Dr. Harold Rosen, an endocrinologist and director of the Center for Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
This is a building material for skin, muscle, and bone cells. “If you're deficient in protein, you won't be able to build muscle, skin, or bone,” warns Dr. Rosen. Good sources of protein:
- dairy products;
- fish;
- poultry;
- legumes;
- whole grain products;
- nuts;
- seeds and some vegetables, such as corn, broccoli and asparagus.
Also, experts note that appetite may decrease with age. It is important to ensure that the amount of protein is sufficient.
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