What “grandmother methods” work for abdominal pain, expert told
Beatrice Savior believes that herbal teas are a great grandmother's method for getting rid of abdominal pain. It is important to avoid drinking drinks based on caffeine and citrus, as well as fried and fatty products, tomatoes, as they increase the production of acid. Processed foods no less exacerbate the state of affairs. Chewing gum is also not the best solution. The expert recommends to give preference to folk remedies for stomach pain, including decoctions of chamomile, lemon balm, valerian. In some cases, to cope with the discomfort is capable of a hot water bottle that will help relieve tension. This will improve the digestive system. Who has discomfort tends to be repeated, it is necessary to buy at the pharmacy the fees are intended for this purpose. It would be ideal to go for a walk before bedtime after the meal after 2-3 hours. It is better to give up smoking and drinking alcohol, ”Beatrice added Savior.
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