What habits should be abandoned right now, psychologists said

Most people focus to bring something good into your life, but psychologists advise you to do it differently – to start getting rid of the bad. At the same time, you need to pay attention to what you cannot do without a single day.

Stop taking everything personally

Our everyday life, our thoughts, fruits creativity and work are visible today, thanks to social networks. Anyone can praise and condemn us. Therefore, it should be remembered that words are only a reflection of someone else's inner state, but a sharp reaction to criticism can cost our own psyche dearly.

Don't spend a lot of time on social networks

Excessive attachment to gadgets prevents us not only from maintaining close relationships with family and friends, but also from concentrating on work. The main problem is that most of this time is spent mindlessly scrolling through the feed and list of messages. It can really free you from controlling the time you spend on social networks.

Do not neglect healthy sleep

Scientists have long established that the quality of sleep affects emotional condition, as well as mental and physical health. But people still continue to ignore simple rules regarding sleep. It is important to sleep at least 8 hours a day, even if you are sure that 5-6 are enough for you.

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Author: alex

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