What happens if you water houseplants with sugar water in winter?
When preparing for winter, home flowers change their care conditions. It is believed that the plants go into a state of rest. Therefore, it is necessary not only to reduce the temperature in the room, prune some varieties, but also to change the feeding. In winter, plants really need attention, which we will talk about in this post.
Watering with sugar water
In winter, there is objectively little light. There is a theory that sugar water can help plants compensate for its lack by absorbing glucose. Among the plants for which this is relevant:
- ficuses;
- house roses;
- dracenes;
- palm trees;
- succulents.
It is recommended to water with sweet water once a month. Please note that this is done only on moist soil. First, the plant is watered, and then fertilized. It is not necessary to sprinkle with sugar, because this will only become a provoking factor for the appearance of mold and pests.
For 1 liter of water, you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. sugar. Do not add more than the specified amount. Otherwise, there will be an overdose with the logical continuation in the form of mold.
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How to preserve dichondra in winter so as not to grow it from seeds next year
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