What happens to the body if you drink beer every day?

Do not forget that beer contains some alcohol, and if drinking it regularly can be a trigger for some health problems.

Most people like to drink beer after a long tiring day to relax and de-stress. But experts recommend refraining from its daily consumption in the amount of more than one glass – neglecting this rule threatens the development of processes dangerous to health. In an interview, doctors told him what starts to happen to the body if you drink beer every day.

A “beer” belly starts to grow.According to experts, there is little alcohol in beer itself, but it is high in calories: one mug (from two glasses) contains approximately 150 kilocalories, and with an increase in the amount of alcohol in the drink, its calorie content only increases. Doctors warn that alcohol calories are absorbed in a specific way, which contributes to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal cavity, which is the most dangerous in its effect on the body.

Weakens the heart.If you drink more than one bottle of beer every day, it will surely damage the heart muscle: this habit contributes to the increase of blood pressure and the development of atrial fibrillation (a very dangerous type of heart failure).

Kidneys may be affected.< Drinking beer with a high alcohol content significantly increases the risk of hypertension and kidney disease. Beer has a diuretic effect, creating an additional load on the kidneys, as well as contributing to dehydration. Under such conditions, the prerequisites for the formation of kidney stones and the development of kidney failure arise.

Vitamin deficiency occurs. If you drink beer every day, the body begins to experience a lack of vitamins and minerals. This is partly due to increased urination. Partly because the assimilation of alcohol requires the body to additionally use certain nutrients (for example, B vitamins are consumed more intensively). Over time, a serious shortage of important substances can occur, which threatens to reduce immunity and disrupt the functions of internal organs.

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Author: alex

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