What happens to the body if you sleep too much or too little
If we sleep too little, we feel fatigue, if too much, then we feel lethargy. Researchers again talk about the dangerous consequences for the body of low or, conversely, excessive duration of sleep.
“Sleep is the best medicine,” says proverb, but as is often the case, a certain dose is able to make it poison for the body. Doctors state: often, complaining of fatigue and lack of sleep, we do not realize that we can actually sleep too much.
“Increased risk of heart attack. In a long-term study (published in the journal of the American College of Cardiologists), scientists have observed 461,000 people for seven years, who were 40 to 69 years old at the beginning of the project, without significant cardiovascular problems. As a result, it was found that if people spend less than six hours at night, it increases the risk of heart attack by 20%. But those who sleep for a long time risk even more: if night sleep is more than nine hours, it increases the risk of heart attack by 34%.
Another large-scale study conducted by Macmaster University in Hamilton (Canada) with the participation of 117,000 people from 21 countries of the world demonstrated that most people who regularly sleep more than eight hours had a 20% increased risk of cardiovascular disorders, and more often suffered from depression, and more often. hours, in turn, were more likely to have overweight and diabetes.
How much is it better to sleep? According to recent results in the magazine of the American College of Cardiologists, it is optimal for health from six to eight hours of sleep. However, the likelihood of a heart attack is reduced by 18%, the scientific experts have stated. Only during sleep do the necessary regeneration processes occur. We produce growth hormones that renew cells, improve metabolism, cleanse the body and our brain, which is treated with a daily flow of information. Therefore, a full -fledged sleep is necessary for recovery and recovery and is important as sports and a balanced diet, ”they were postulated.
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