What helps Charlize Theron look 10 years younger
Every time Charlize Theron appears on the red carpet, it is impossible to take your eyes off her. In addition to the wonderful outfits that emphasize the flawless figure, the actress can boast of excellent skin condition.
In our material, we have collected the basic principles of Charlize's nutrition, training and skin care, which can be used by everyone.
Fitness and nutrition
Charlize is an opponent of activities due to strength, so she does sports exclusively for pleasure. The actress has repeatedly declared her love for Pilates. These classes allow Theron not only to maintain excellent physical shape, but also to find peace of mind. In addition, Charlize loves hiking: on weekends, the actress often goes outside the city with her children, where they actively spend time in the fresh air.
Regarding nutrition, Theron has been following a plant-based diet for many years. “Clean” nutrition will ensure a fit body and good general well-being. The diet of the actress is dominated by organic vegetables and fruits, legumes, seeds and vegetable oils. Of course, Charlize occasionally allows herself cheat meals, but on such days she tries to increase her physical activity.
The actress gave up alcohol a long time ago, as it has a harmful effect on the body: it triggers the aging process and increases the risk of developing chronic diseases. Theron tries to drink 2-3 liters of pure water a day, loves vegetable juices and smoothies.
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Beauty routine
Charlize pays special attention to skin care, which is why she manages to look so young. The No. 1 product in the actress' cosmetic bag is a cream with SPF. Many people think that sunscreen is needed only when the skin is in direct sunlight, so as not to burn. In fact, both in winter and in cloudy weather, when the sun is not visible at all, ultraviolet radiation continues to have a harmful effect on the skin and causes hyperpigmentation and premature aging. Using SPF every day will help keep your skin healthy and youthful as long as possible.
In addition, the actress never forgets about deep moisturizing of the skin. As you know, the drier the skin, the greater the probability of wrinkles. To avoid dehydration, peeling and, as a result, premature aging of the skin, Charlize never neglects moisturizing cosmetics. In addition to the usual cream, she uses fabric masks, hydrophilic oils and serums.
The morning beauty routine of the actress is as simple as possible: SPF and moisturizing. Theron does not have enough time for multi-level care in the morning: she devotes herself completely to the children, who need to prepare breakfast and take them to school. But she fully compensates for it in the evenings. Night creams and serums are something that the actress will never go to sleep without.
The actress is sure that home care is effective only when you are 20, the skin is still young and you don't need a lot of effort to maintain its beauty. Next, you need to combine masks and creams with regular sessions at the beautician, whom Charlize tries to visit every 3 weeks. Professional procedures help preserve young skin as long as possible and stop the first signs of aging.
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