What hobbies will help you become smarter, psychologists said
Many people are convinced that after reaching a certain level intelligence, they can no longer change it, and all that remains is to live according to the inherent potential. But studies show that a person can constantly improve, including through his hobbies. What hobbies will help you become smarter, psychologists said.
Music Lessons
Playing the piano, guitar or any other instrument helps to develop motor skills, analytical skills, and also helps in learning foreign languages and mathematics. In addition, playing music improves memory, reaction and leadership qualities. And all this is possible regardless of your age.
Regular reading of books helps to fight stress, and also increases self-esteem and the ability to think logically. At work, these skills will help you better organize your affairs and lead other people.
Regular training develops concentration, increases concentration, improves memory and ensures sharpness of thinking. At the same time, we are not talking about exercising once a week. Small, regular loads will bring much more benefits than one hard workout per week.
Learning languages
Learning a foreign language is a proven and best memory training, writes the Psychologies portal. Knowledge of two foreign languages has a positive effect on the ability to assess the surrounding environment and concentrate on the task at hand.
Sudoku, puzzles, board, card and even video games increase plasticity of the brain, if you have to constantly solve new tasks during these games. In addition, people with high neuroplasticity of the brain, according to research data, are less prone to panic attacks or depression.
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