What hormones are produced in the body during love?
If you think you are in control of your life, you are wrong. We are controlled by our hormones.
This influence is especially felt in moments of love, when hormones affect making serious decisions and our attitude towards our partner.
“Everything that many would like to consider romance , in fact, only the work of the hormonal system. Testosterone regulates the level of drive in both sexes, but it is much higher in men. Searching for partners, feeling confident, taking risks and competing are all testosterone,” says the gynecologist.
Estradiol is needed to maintain libido. Without it, sexual desire will decrease.
Dopamine is responsible for the desire to care for and take care of the object of love. In addition, it works as a natural energizer, giving us the strength to achieve our goals.
Dopamine gives us a good mood and a positive outlook on life. It's like he's putting rose-colored glasses on us. That is why under the influence of dopamine we can evaluate loved ones not objectively.
Affection and trust are formed under the influence of oxytocin. It is especially actively released at the moment of close physical contact: hugs, kisses.
Endorphins give a feeling of happiness. They are responsible for orgasm. Together with endorphins, prolactin is released, which can significantly reduce the level of stress.
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