What is “chymoroda” in Ukrainian: you will be surprised

There is an expression “chimorod to drive”.

Contrary to the sound, according to the dictionary of the Ukrainian language, which leads to the idea of ​​some kind of chemistry, chimorod is an oddity, fiction. In some cases – witchcraft.

  • I asked her once alone: ​​- Do you have something heavy on your heart? Tell me. – Now, – he says, – it's fasting, so why should drive out artificial creatures! (Hanna Periwinok)
  • Et! You are anointed with peace: you will dress up from above with that culture, dress up in perfect clothes and show off; and blow only on you, scratch a little – then the same fat-eaters in the soil! (Mykhailo Starytskyi)
  • The owner lies in the duvet and tells them: “You,” he says, “never attack a single person.” One will never go so easily, but certainly with some kind of aliens (Hanna Barvinok)

The verb from the word “alien” sounds like “alien”. It means to invent something, to say something unacceptable, incomprehensible, etc. Its synonyms are “chimerit”, “fidgety”. In the literature, there is the expression “to drive out artificial people”.

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Author: alex

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