What is important to know about meningitis, foreign scientists told


Scientists at Kentucky University have told that it is very important to know about meningitis. This is especially true for adults who should recognize the key signs of the disease in their children.

meningitis is inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes. This infection is most often caused by either a bacterium or virus. Although many people carry pathogens in their throat and nasal passages without harmful consequences, it is unknown why it is associated with invasiveness and contact with blood flow. In most cases, viral meningitis is less serious. It is more common in the summer months and spreads when contacting hands and mouth. Most of the symptoms disappear within three to four days without any residual complications. In both variations, the symptoms are manifested in the form of high fever, headache, compaction of the neck. Nausea, vomiting, discomfort are not excluded, with bright light, confusion, hallucinations and attacks appear. It is noted, although germs that cause bacterial meningitis can be transmitted from person to person, they do not spread random contact. This is done precisely through the exchange of respiratory and throat discharge through kisses and drinking from the same glass. The diagnosis is usually confirmed by lumbar puncture. If you do not treat the disease in the early stages, it can lead to death, and in many cases – to brain injuries, hearing loss or inability to study, ” – added scientists.

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Author: alex

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