What is missing for happiness? Scientifically proven ways to become happier
Scientists devote a lot of research to what makes people happy. Perhaps their conclusions will help make life a little better.
Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman believes that the connection between happiness and money cannot be denied, although it is not absolute. Therefore, to become happy, you need to find a way to earn more. But, as Kahneman points out, there is a mark after which the amount of income is no longer exciting – 70-90 thousand dollars a year. If you calculate in hryvnias, it turns out that you need to earn 10-13 average salaries per month, depending on the region.
Can't you increase your income? Don't despair, there are still many ways to become happier. Thus, scientists from the London School of Economics found out during a survey that married people are more likely to consider themselves happy. This applies especially to men, the percentage is slightly lower for women.
The Harvard University experiment, which has not been completed since 1938, shows that loneliness leads to depression and unhappiness, so it is important to build relationships with people.
And scientists do not advise having children – among people who have children, the level of happiness is lower than that of the childless. Of course, this does not cancel the fact that being a father is already happiness. According to research, parents whose children have grown up and moved into their own home are happier.
It is still possible to move to a country with a better standard of living. To begin with, you should make sure that you are able to provide yourself with an income and get a legal status as soon as possible – it is very difficult to get citizenship, but you must register as a migrant.
The most interesting advice given by the psychologist Viktor Frankl – not to think about the meaning of life. He talked about a study that showed that people who seek meaning and strive for achievements are less happy than those who do not “create additional problems for themselves”, but live as carefree as possible.
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