What is the 20/10 cleaning method and why is it perfect for busy people?
If you don't like cleaning or you constantly feel short on time, then the 20/10 cleaning method is for you. What does it consist of?
Do you know you need to clean your house from time to time, but just the thought of it keeps you from getting started? Over time, a real mess appears in the apartment, and when it becomes too difficult for you to find important things in this chaos, you start cleaning with all your might. If this sounds like you, then the 20/10 cleaning method will definitely work for you and help you deal with the situation.
What is 20/10 cleaning
It is a special approach to tidying up when a person devotes 20 minutes to cleaning, and 10 minutes takes a well-deserved break.
The main idea of this method is to do something calming and pleasant during this 10-minute break, which will help inspire cleaning and affect well-being. You can't even imagine how much you can do in 20 minutes, if you know that after that you will have a rest.
Many people set themselves too big goals, trying to clean everything at once. And while cleaning, they don't think about how long it will take or when they will finish with this unpleasant process. If you set small goals, they will be easier to achieve.
What is the 20-minute rule when cleaning: how to organize everything
This method is very easy to follow, and it is also quick and easy to set up. First of all, you need to choose the accessories that you will need. Most often used:
- storage organizers;
- large containers;
- donation box (if you are going to do a general cleaning);
- garbage bags;
- a timer.
All these things will be necessary to clean up the space in your house.
Now you need to spend 20 minutes on purposeful ordering. Start the timer for 20 minutes first and then start cleaning. Throw all the things you already want to get rid of into the garbage bags, the ones that are still good but you don't need into the donation box, put everything you won't need in the near future into containers and boxes so that it doesn't create a mess.
Now you can reward yourself with a 10-minute rest. Make yourself a cup of tea or even just let yourself sit on the phone all this time. The main thing is to understand that you have earned this reward.
Continue to do short bursts of activity and alternate them with 10 minutes of rest. This way you will maintain a high level of concentration and motivation. You can also return to cleaning the next day by using this method again. It is not necessary to finish everything in one day.
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