What is the best soil for carrots

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If you want to get a large harvest of carrots on your plot, then keep in mind, that the quality of the soil plays an important role.


A large harvest can be obtained only on sandy and loose loamy soils with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction.

Clay soil , drying up, forms a thick and dense crust that will prevent the seeds from germinating normally. As a result, the seeds will germinate unevenly.

The soil for carrots should contain a lot of organic matter (humus), it should be well-drained and light.

It is important to understand that fresh manure and an excessive amount of mineral fertilizers cannot be applied to the soil. This will have a detrimental effect on the growth and development of root crops. For example, a carrot fly may appear on plantings.

A year before planting carrot seeds, apply organic fertilizers. You can plant potatoes, onions or cucumbers first. They are the best predecessors of carrots. After them, there is a lot of decomposed organic matter, which has a great effect on the germination of carrot seeds.

The soil after these crops is usually clean of weeds. This is important to take into account, because weeds first outgrow carrots and suppress them as they grow.

If your area is poor in nutrients, then apply manure (rotted) and wood ash before digging. If the plot has fertile soil, then it will be enough to apply only mineral fertilizers.

It is important to water carrots properly after planting. After you have prepared the soil and sown the seeds, monitor the soil moisture.

You can cover the bed with polyethylene until the sprouts appear on it. In this way, you will ensure the preservation of moisture in the soil so that the seeds germinate more easily.

When the fruits begin to form, start watering the bed according to the schedule. If the days are sunny and warm, then once every 5 days, 25 liters per 1m² of beds. After 2-4 weeks, depending on the weather, continue to water once a week at the rate of 25 liters per 1m².

If you decide to feed carrots with fertilizers, then combine feeding with watering. Do not forget that excessive watering can make the top too thick and the roots shallow.

Carrots require good care, but if you follow all the recommendations, you will get a good harvest and you can always give advice to beginner gardeners yourself.

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Author: alex

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