What is the best way to freeze broccoli in order to preserve the beneficial properties of the product

Recently, harvesting vegetables for the winter by freezing is gaining more and more popularity. Trying to freeze broccoli at home, many people make mistakes. In fact, freezing requires compliance with technology, then the taste and nutritional qualities will be preserved.


What are the advantages of storing broccoli

You can mention a few reasons why you should freeze broccoli:

  1. If you put it in compact bags, you can easily put it in the freezer.
  2. With proper freezing, useful substances are preserved.
  3. < li>If pre-heated, it can be consumed immediately after defrosting.

How to choose broccoli

It is better to collect broccoli for freezing in July. The fact is that during this period fruits ripen en masse, and their composition contains the maximum amount of nutrients. Since the harvest ripens in July, you can choose the right fruits for storage.

There are several selection criteria, broccoli should be:

  • young;


  • elastic;
  • green;
  • no dents;
  • no dark spots;
  • no yellowness.< /li>

If the vegetable is chosen correctly, its storage period can be 12 months. Although many experts recommend consuming frozen broccoli within 6 months.


There are several steps:

  1. Selecting florets. It is important to choose only those vegetables that meet the parameters. If there is a question about the appearance, it is better to abandon their storage.
  2. Thoroughly rinse under a weak stream of water so as not to damage and break the delicate inflorescences.
  3. Place the broccoli in salted water for half an hour. This process is key because it allows you to get rid of insects.
  4. After soaking, the vegetables must be rinsed under running water. It is important not to spare water, because the salt should be well washed off the vegetables.

The final stage is the removal of all hard parts and leaves. Then the inflorescences can be divided for convenience, it all depends on your preferences.

How to perform freezing

First of all, you need to prepare containers for storage. It is recommended to use:

  • polyethylene bags with a fastener;
  • plastic containers that are tightly closed with a lid.

If this is not available, you can use ordinary packages. Broccoli should be dried before storage. If there is moisture, the taste of vegetables will deteriorate during the freezing process. Broccoli should be frozen gradually so that they do not touch each other. You can put the vegetables on a board and send them to the freezer.

When they are frozen, you can start the second stage: transferring them to storage containers. It is recommended to store vegetables on a separate shelf with other vegetables. It is unacceptable if fish or meat is stored nearby.

How to use in cooking

Before use, experts recommend boiling broccoli for 7 minutes in salted water.< /p>

Then they can be fried, stewed, added to meat dishes and various salads. The range of applications is huge, so everyone will find the best option.

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Author: alex

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