What is the dangerous deficit of minerals and how to protect the body from it
Too poor diet or unhealthy food, as well as different diseases. Meanwhile, a particularly large amount of minerals is needed: for example, in the growth phase of children and adolescents, during pregnancy and feeding, athletes and the elderly, as well as those who work a lot.
In order to avoid mineral deficiency, we need to absorb enough minerals – iron, fluorine, iodine, zinc, copper and selenium, as well as magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium and chloride elements. In many cases, different minerals affect each other: one mineral can promote or interfere with others in its action. This applies, for example, to magnesium and calcium: calcium causes contraction of muscle cells (contraction), while magnesium relaxes them. Muscular cell can work properly only if the concentrations of both substances are balanced with respect to each other.
General signs of mineral deficiency include fatigue, muscle pain, increased need for sleep. In addition, there are symptoms that indicate a lack of certain minerals.
- Calcium deficiency: muscle spasms, loss or lack of bone growth (rickets in children, osteoporosis in adults), skeletal pain, skin, hair, hair and teeth. atherosclerosis.
- Iron deficiency: a decrease in the concentration of iron -containing red blood pigment (hemoglobin) and, as a consequence, a violation of oxygen supply, loss of appetite, fatigue and rapid fatigue.Fluoride deficiency: bone softening (osteoporosis in adults), a tendency to caries. and constipation, impaired heart rhythm, increase in urination, loss of appetite (anorexia), fall in blood pressure.
- Copper deficiency: reduction of erythrocyte formation and decreased use of iron, impaired bone formation, impaired skin and hair pigmentation
- Magnesium deficiency: muscle spasms, crushing and tremor, brittle nails, teeth destruction, dizziness, sweating, storage, stomach Menstrual pain and cramps.
- manganese deficiency: bone and cartilage deformity, fat and carbohydrate metabolic disorders, growth retardation, infertility.
- Sodium deficiency: weakness, falling blood pressure, muscle spasms, fainting.
- Phosphorus deficiency: muscle weakness, bone softening, rickets in children. appetite, delayed wound healing, tendency to infections, hair loss, skin peeling.
Mineral deficiency in the body can lead such reasons as malnutrition and poor, monotonous nutrition, too low vegetables and fruits, as well as natural products in the diet, severe sweating, diarrhea and vomiting, abuse of laxatives, diuretic, alcohol. In addition, diseases of minerals may be associated with diseases – diabetes, kidney disease, some disorders of hormonal balance, such as pituitary hormones, peritoneal gland or adrenal glands. It is necessary to eat sweets strictly moderately. In addition, you should avoid alcohol, as well as sausages and drinks when, which contain many phosphates, which are “killers” of calcium. Mineral water, tea, fruit juices, which should contain no more than one third of juice and at least two thirds of water or mineral water, are recommended for drinking.
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