What is useful to eat before bed: 10 options from a nutritionist

Many people think , that you should not eat before going to bed in order to sleep better and not gain calories. In fact, this is not entirely true. Some foods can be consumed the night before, if there is a feeling of hunger. Otherwise, you will have to go to bed with him, which threatens the low quality of sleep. Rachel Berman, a well-known nutritionist in the USA and author of books on healthy food, writes about this.

The call not to go to bed on an empty stomach does not mean that you need to stuff your stomach, she notes. A serving of about 200 kcal, containing both carbohydrates and protein, would be ideal. A nutritionist offers ten options for making a mini-dinner. Some of its ingredients are not common in Ukraine, but the list will help form an understanding of what you can eat in the evening:

  • oatmeal with banana slices;
  • soybeans;
  • < li>popcorn;

  • flakes with bran combined with soy milk;
  • whole grain flakes with hummus;
  • roasted pumpkin seeds;
  • cherry smoothie (frozen cherries plus skim milk);
  • low-fat yogurt combined with flax seeds;
  • whole wheat toast with almond butter;
  • a cup of soothing chamomile tea.

This list is compiled taking into account the content of four ingredients that have a beneficial effect on preparing the body for sleep: tryptophan (whole grain products, seeds), melatonin (skimmed milk, yogurt), magnesium ( almonds, bran), potassium (banana, sweet potato).

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Author: alex

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