What kind of salt should be eaten, the nutritionist said

An excess of salt in the diet is harmful – as well as a complete rejection of it . Deficiency of sodium and chlorine included in this product can lead to headaches, dizziness, low blood pressure and other health problems.

According to the candidate of medical sciences, nutritionist, the most important thing – know the measure. She calls 7 g per day a safe amount of salt for an adult.

Also, the expert advises to use iodized salt instead of ordinary salt. “We live in a partially endemic area, and we all have iodine deficiency. In addition, in large cities, iodine deficiency is exacerbated by toxins in the air,” the doctor explains.

It is important to remember: ordinary iodized salt has a very short shelf life. As the nutritionist explains, iodine evaporates quickly in the open air. Therefore, sea salt will be a good option: it contains more trace elements, as well as substances that “retain” iodine.

Those who do not consume salt in sufficient quantities risk facing serious health problems, but in modern society this will not happen – today a person on average eats 3400 mg of sodium per day. This can lead to other, no less dangerous consequences. The fact that there is too much salt in the diet can be understood by certain signs.

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Author: alex

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