What life hacks with toothpaste will be useful even for experienced housewives
For oral care cavity, it is worth buying the highest quality product, but it makes sense to also buy a tube of the cheapest toothpaste. This product can be useful for any housewife to solve household problems. What methods of use will pleasantly surprise you?
Combating stains of any complexity
Sometimes neither a high-quality powder nor an expensive stain remover can cope with this problem. In this case, you should pay attention to the usual paste, which will help get rid of both fresh stains and old pollution.
First, you need to apply the paste to the problem area and wait for it to dry.
If the stain is fresh, then after 5-10 minutes you can send the item to the washing machine. In the case of old stains, you can wait up to 2 hours.
Contaminated walls
If you have stains on the walls, you should not immediately repaint them. It is worth giving the paste a chance to help cope with the problem.
The required amount of the product is applied to the contamination, after which you can begin to gently rub the paste into the problem area.
The remains of the paste should be removed with a clean cloth.
For spoons and forks
Cutlery often loses its attractive appearance due to plaque. In this case, you should apply the paste to the contaminated areas and treat them with an old toothbrush.
In just a few minutes, the forks and spoons will shine.
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