What mistake gardeners make when watering tomatoes


special attention should be paid to watering tomato, if your goal is a good harvest. If you use the hose and water the beds in only one place, you can damage the roots of the plants. Many gardeners are not watered with tomatoes: do not repeat their mistakes.

It is better to use a funnel and distribute water evenly. It is enough to carry out the procedure once every 4-5 days.

However, you need to start from the weather. If there is heat outside, the manipulations will have to be repeated more often, otherwise the bushes will simply dry under the sun.

it is advisable to use mulch that will help to retain moisture. This will require straw, dry grass or sawdust. It should also be added that some gardeners are given one serious mistake.

they dig deep holes for tomatoes, and then strongly pour their roots. As a result, the root system is exposed, and under it the land is strongly packed. Plant in this case feels discomfort.

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Author: alex

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