What mistakes are made in applying ash on the site?

Only the lazy person talks about the benefits of ash in summer cottage affairs, but sometimes a source of potassium and phosphorus can lead to depressing consequences. Mistakes are most often made by novice gardeners, but sometimes experienced summer residents also make them.

Not every ash is suitable

You cannot use ash left over from burning a fence or garbage in the garden or in the garden. Ash from a barbecue is also often not suitable, because a special agent is often used for kindling, which has a strong chemical effect on plants.

Ash left over from a stove or simply after burning branches or logs is suitable.

A flame that burns out

You cannot use ash wherever you want. Sometimes plants need acidic soil, and ash acts as a deoxidizer, which is why seedlings grow poorly and the summer resident wonders why this is happening. Before applying ash, you should check the acidity of the soil. This can be done with water and vinegar.


You cannot pour ash as much as you want. The dosage must be followed, otherwise an imbalance of trace elements may occur. For example, plants will receive a lot of phosphorus and potassium, but nitrogen, on the contrary, will be low, which will certainly affect the quantity and quality of the harvest.

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Author: alex

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