What mistakes should be avoided when growing cabbage?
Cabbage is not as capricious and demanding as many other plants, but vegetables do have their own rules for growing.
If you don't follow them, you can be left without a good harvest.
What mistakes are most common?
The sun. Cabbage needs light for two reasons. First, sufficient lighting allows the heads of cabbage to form. Secondly, it has a positive effect on the size of the vegetables.
Therefore, try not to plant the plant in shaded areas.
Acidity level.If you cannot achieve the required acidity level, then the cabbage will not grow well. It is important for the crop to achieve a neutral soil level.
Dolomite flour, which must be applied to the beds as a preparation, will cope with this task perfectly.
Care. Cabbage requires systematic feeding. Most often, experienced gardeners choose diluted manure, urea, and potassium-based compounds.
It is also important to treat cabbage in a timely manner from pests and diseases so as not to be left without a harvest.
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