What mistakes should not be made when growing orchids?
Orchid is a beautiful, but very capricious flower. Many beginners, having decided to buy this plant for the first time, often make mistakes during care. It is worth remembering that these indoor flowers require special attention.
First of all, it is necessary to responsibly approach the rules of watering. This must be done at the root. Water should not stagnate in the pot so that the roots do not start to rot.
Inexperienced housewives can add ice when watering. This is a big mistake. The fact is that cold material can damage the roots of the plant.
It is not recommended to use soil that is not intended for growing orchids. Orchid roots must breathe and receive ultraviolet light.
The flower needs diffused light. It is better to place a pot with an orchid on a windowsill facing north or east. If there are long and direct sunlight, the leaves of the delicate plant will simply be scorched by the sun.
Aerial roots
The orchid actively grows aerial roots in order to actively grow and develop. If they are cut, the plant may stop blooming or even die.
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