What not to do to become happier

According to Lori Santos, a professor of psychology at Yale University in the United States, in order to become happy, a person needs to train in the same way that musicians and athletes need to train in order to achieve success.

“The feeling of happiness does not come by itself, you have to learn to feel it. Science has proven that to achieve happiness you need to make conscious efforts, and this is not easy and takes time,” says Santos.

She came up with five theses that are aimed at making life better and happier.

1. Don’t worry about the fate of people who have nothing to do with you.

Seriously, are you worried about Maria and Alexander from another talk show? Switch to yourself and your loved ones – you definitely need your attention more.

2. Don’t wait for the perfect moment.

It doesn't exist at all. Don't wait for the same coincidence. Even if it doesn't work out (and who does everything work out right away and as it should?), who's stopping you from trying again? You need to act.

3. Live with memories.

Leave this mess for when you're over 85… We've drawn conclusions, forgiven ourselves and everyone, exhaled – and we're moving on.

What not to do to become happier

4. Get distracted by your phone during meetings.

Well, the phone doesn't care whether you pay attention to it during these couple of hours or not. And your interlocutors will be unpleasant. Choose people if you want them to choose you.

5. Agree with kindness

Such compromises always end in your suffering. Learn to calmly ignore the indignation directed at you and calmly and reasonably say NO to what you don't want to do.

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Author: alex

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