What not to mulch roses with for the winter so they don't get sick
We wanted the best, but it didn't work out that way. With roses, anything is possible if mulched incorrectly. Gardeners told us why it is categorically not recommended to mulch roses for the winter. Nothing good will come of it.
Gardeners' advice
It is not recommended to use humus, compost, and regular soil in winter care for roses. There are quite justified reasons for this. Spoiler: this is harmful to roses.
If you mulch flowers with the above materials for the winter, they can get sick. In the spring, when you unroll them, you will see dark and even black shoots. Why did this happen?
The thing is that during frosts, humus, compost or ordinary soil freezes. Then, during the thaw, everything becomes wet. With a second frost, which happens most often, everything freezes. And so on in a circle. Temperature changes, the effect of moisture, freezing lead to damage to the stems.
If you want to mulch, it is better to insulate the soil with a film and pour sawdust of a large fraction. It will be safer this way. By the way, not all gardeners mulch roses for the winter. They leave the grafting site and the root collar above ground level. They simply arrange a general shelter. Therefore, gardeners have two opposing opinions on winter mulching.
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