What penny top dressing for cucumbers do experienced summer residents use: the harvest will be 2 times better

Experienced gardeners are sure that the simpler the feeding, the more likely it will be “liked” by the plant, in particular the beloved cucumbers.

If you want to increase the yield of cucumbers growing in greenhouse or open ground, use the tool that will be discussed later.


The main advantage of this nutrient solution is that it does not need to spend a lot of money on its preparation.

So what will you need? The answer is simple – succinic acid.

You can buy the drug both in tablets – one pack is enough for the season, and in powder – you need even less.

Only half a tablet is needed to feed cucumbers of succinic acid, which should be ground into a powder.

Use the resulting “dust” to powder the soil around the plant. Quite quickly, succinic acid will be absorbed into the ground and reach the roots of the plant.

This preparation will be especially useful for young cucumbers and seedlings that have just been planted in a permanent place of residence.

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Author: alex

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