What people with low self-esteem post on social media

Social media is a modern mirror maze, where every post, every photo reflects our inner state.

Some people post to share their joy, some to brag about their achievements, and some to feel better in the eyes of others. But there are posts that, like signal lights, betray their author's inner insecurity. Let's look at what posts are most common among people with low self-esteem.

Excessive demonstration of success

“Look how I live!”, “Look how I relax!”. Such posts are full of photos of luxurious meals, expensive cars or deliberately “perfect” moments. But behind this shine often hides a desire for approval and recognition. It is like an attempt to cover up the inner emptiness with external glamour, to show that life is successful, even if everything is different inside.

Sometimes behind the bright pictures there is a fragile sense of self-esteem.

Excessive number of selfies

People with low self-esteem often seek to validate their worth through likes and comments. Constant selfies are their way of telling the world, “Notice me, appreciate me, make me feel better.” However, the amount of filters and retouching sometimes betrays their doubts about their natural attractiveness.

Posts of complaints and drama

Such posts are like a cry for help. “Why is everything so unfair?”, “I don’t deserve this!”. Behind this lies a desire to be heard and comforted. It is a kind of therapy through the attention of others, but it rarely helps to solve internal problems.

Instead of solving issues within themselves, people expose their experiences to public view.

Constant quotes about life and motivation

“Be yourself, and you will find happiness,” “Strong is not the one who does not fall, but the one who rises.” Such posts do not always indicate inner growth. Sometimes it is a way to convince yourself that the author of these words is really on the path of self-development. However, frequent quotes may hide feelings of loss or unresolved internal conflicts.

In life, not only words are important, but also actions.

Discussion of someone else's life

Posts that criticize someone else's actions or achievements often speak of their own insecurity. “Look how ridiculous she looks,” “I would never do that.” Such posts show that a person is trying to feel better by comparing themselves to others.

It is better to focus on your own life than to judge someone else's.

Frequent mention of how “everything is fine”

Posts like “I am the happiest person in the world!”, “Life is a success!” sometimes sound like an attempt to convince not only others but also oneself of this. Paradoxically, deep dissatisfaction is often hidden behind the excessive emphasis on happiness.

True happiness does not need proof.

What do posts hide?

Social networks have become a showcase for our emotions. And although posts do not always directly reflect the inner world, they can be an important marker of our experiences. As psychologist Carl Jung said: “What we hide has power over us.” Instead of seeking approval from the outside, it is important to pay attention to the inner world, learn to love and value yourself regardless of the number of likes.

So if you notice such signs in yourself or in your acquaintances, do not judge harshly. Maybe it's just an attempt to find yourself. After all, we all need support sometimes — even if it's just a few kind words under our post.

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Author: alex

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